Don’t wait for pictures because you may be missing the best parts of right now.
A colleague of mine lost her sweet sister, and she reminded me of how very important it is to take pictures regularly. Personally, I know I had gotten to a place where I really didn't like lugging my whole camera bag everywhere. But you know what, it's worth it. It's worth it to capture today. Whether today is messy, or not quite organized, whether your kids have their hair brushed or bedhead... I took a minute to grab my camera while playing with #AwesomeDawson outside yesterday. I only took pictures for a couple minutes, but was able to capture the pure joy of being 3. This just goes to show that good pictures aren't about the perfect outfit, or the right pose... good pictures capture joy. Thank you for reminding me to seize the moment, Jessica. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
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