So grateful for rainbows

I'm not going to lie, the last few days have been bananas in my Truly Sweet house. One of our cars (The car's name is Thelma... I had her when I met my husband 7 years ago) bit the dust. So, when you own your own business and have kids that need to go to school & the sitter, being car-less isn't really an option. I have been sooo blessed because my Mom has allowed me to borrow her car. Again, soooo very grateful. But, I'm also very human, and have been worrying. I have been combatting my woes prayerfully about the whole situation, for finances, for a quick resolution, & for a reliable means of transportation that is economical & kid friendly. Then suddenly I get an email. My *rainbow* appeared... A few months ago (I'm talking July/August) I submitted to try to get published. Every attempt I had made thus far was unsuccessful, but I have unfailing tenacity. My dream is to be published. Just to have a tangeable reminder that the work I do is good, and that it matters. I received the confirmation email that my submission had been received and that I would be notified if I was chosen. Well, having been months ago & hearing no word, I erased the emails. No one wants a reminder of a failed attempt at their dream. Lets fastforward to tonight. Remember, lots of stressing over car craziness, this is my busiest time of year for my business, & if I'm not careful with my time I'm going to start getting behind on editing sessions...Then came my *rainbow* in the middle of a storm. (God's timing is ALWAYS perfect!!) I just received an email that I will be published!!!! I am going to be featured in a MAGAZINE!!!! It will be my picture with my name on it!!! But, as exciting as that is, the even more exciting part is that it's a picture of Shae, and she has ALWAYS wanted to be famous (My Mom used one of my photos of her for an ad in the paper for my Mom's consignment boutique, Ritzi Reruns, and Shae signed our copy, because that is what famous people do hehe). I don't know about you, but I'm fairly certain only famous people get their photos put in magazines ;o) Big thank you to Alexis Johnson for continually encouraging me to submit my photos for publication. I might have gotten 10 no's, but I just got a YES, and that's pretty awesome!! The magazine is "Model Life Magazine".  And I couldn't be more thrilled!! This is the photo that will be in the magazine...   Truly Sweet Shae photo editedIMG_6625vintage.jpg Thank you Lord for showing me a rainbow when all I could see was storm clouds!! Cheers!!

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